FlashGuard.exe or DriveMonitor.exe or DriveGuard.exe worm runs a process named with any of the .exe names.FlashGuard.exe also add itself to system startup, you can see through msconfig command.It also creates startup key in registry to run itself every time on system boot.

Remove FlashGuard.exe Worm

1. Inorder to remove FlashGuard.exe from your computer you need to first end its process running intask managerright click the process and select end process

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2. Search for the files tmp.exe, delete DriveGuard.tmp.exe or gHmpg.tmp.exe and locate and delete these files.
3. Go to Start Menu –> Run, type msconfig and press Enter key.

Computer tips and tricks as well as software, hardware, internet that help make you more productive and your overall computer experience a lot more enjoyable. Computer tips and tricks, tricks,computer tips, computer, tips, information, listing, tip, computer tip, about, windows, internet, internet, ticks, explorer, Microsoft

4. Now, open registry to delete the startup key created by the FlashGuard.exe Worm,
5.Open Start Menu–> Run, type regedit and press Enter key

Navigate to the Following path


Now, you need to open your virus infected pen drive and delete the following files

pen drive letter\System\Security\DriveGuard.exe *
pen drive letter\autorun.inf

I hope the solution provided above will help you fix the problem.
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